Word Counter

Word Counter

The Word Counter is an online tool that can count words, sentences, and characters in real-time inside your text. This tool is completely free and easy to use.

Created by Commontools | Updated on: June 01, 2022

Type or paste your text below

Text Analysis:

Words: 0
Characters: 0
Sentences: 0

What is Word Counter?

Word Counter is a powerful, fast and easy-to-use tool to count the number of words in a text or document. It works on both English and non-English text and files. It also supports Unicode, UTF-8, and Multibyte character set. 

Steps to Use Our Word Counter Tool

  • Simply copy the text inside the input text area.
  • Once you copy the text, word count, character count, and a number of sentences will appear inside the Text Analysis section in real-time.
  • You can copy these values and insert it inside your blog article, magazine article, or any piece of writing to inform readers about the total word count.
  • That's it!

Features of this Word Counter

  •  Very easy to use
  •  It is simple and accurate
  •  Free to access and always online
  •  No download or plugin required
  •  Works on all platforms (Mobile, Desktop, or Tablet)
  •  No plugins required
  •  Supported on all operating systems (Linux, Mac, or Windows)
  •  Works on all the browsers including Chrome, Safari, and Firefox

What is Word Count?

Word count refers to the length of a piece. It can be a novel, a story, a short blog post, an article in a magazine, or even a sales letter. Because it affects the word count, the type of work is essential. A novel that has 80,000 words will always be more than a magazine article that is usually 1000.

The same goes for novels. Some types will be shorter than others. A short story can have a word limit of up to 1000 words, but it can also be less than 20,000 words. There are also short stories with word counts between 1000 and 20,000 words. But what about novels? There are 50,000-word novels. These are the shortest novels. There are 80,000, can be 100,000, and an even higher number of 120,000 of them. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix- the famous novel are 257,000 words in length. It depends on the length.

When writing essays, the most common question is about word count. Each assignment has a "scope". An essay often includes a word count. Top admission committee members agree that word limits are the most important things they check. Admission committee members can simply ignore essays that are longer than the question requires. This means that admission committee members can ignore the extra words if they are asked for a 300-word answer. If you write it in 350 words, they will not be able to read the last 50.

Students who write too many words often need to trim down and make their essays more concise. For students who write too many words, it's time to find ways to increase the number of words in their academic essays.

The Importance of Word Count- All Things You Need to Know

Is it too long? Is it too short? Just right? Who knows? Perhaps the analytical side takes over after the creative side has had a few years. As we write, we worry about the little thing that has always crossed writers' minds: word count.

It can sometimes feel like an unnecessary worry. But then, you hear horror stories of editors and publishers degrading pieces due to their word count. What happens if we have deemed too short in our work? What if the work is too long? These questions are genuine to us, and we have a practical answer: Don't worry.

Editors have the final word. Your work will be rescinded if they have any reservations about the word count. The experience is that writing should always be the priority. If you need to include more information, include more detail. You can add more dialogue to a scene if it requires it.

Writing is not about becoming famous and wealthy. If that is your motivation, you might want to pursue a new hobby. Writing should have a purpose. Your story must be compelling. Remember that writing is an art and a craft. Publishing is, however, a business. Listen to an editor who critiques your work and suggests changes. Editing is an essential part of writing. Editing is not about adding or removing words to increase word count. Writing is qualitative. It is not quantifiable.

What Is the Importance of Word Count?

Because the word count allows you to select the readers, word count is a very crucial factor. If you have a novel that is over 100,000 words in length, there will naturally be readers who are not interested (just because it is too long). Children who are interested but unable to read because of the large word count are examples of readers. This will automatically exclude some people.

A low word count will make the writing and the work more accessible to many people than others. It is important to keep it concise when you write anything in the world.

Four Reasons Why Word Count is Important

Word count is something that every writer has had to struggle with at one time or another. Word count is elusive, whether it's writing a novel of your own or falling short of the required length.

The rules of digital marketing remain the same. A post that is too long or too short can hurt your ranking. Content that is adequate in length will perform better. It's easy to write a 250-word post when you are busy. This length is not sufficient to provide the information your readers require.

Your audience will search for answers elsewhere if your page isn't useful. SEO is all about word count. Here are four reasons why you should ensure that your post is at the right length to maximize SEO strategies.

Share a page with your reader

As a digital copywriter, your goal is to grow your audience.

Your 250-word post will not be promoted as it does not cover the entire topic. Your piece should be long enough to provide all the details your reader might need. Your audience will share your post if they feel that it solves their problem. Social media can be a great place to spread viral activity. Make sure you make the most of it.

Increase the Authority of Your Content

Your content should be solid and long enough to be useful. A shorter post will not be as well-received as a longer and more detailed piece. Your post can eventually be considered an authority on the topic if it answers a question well. Your content could be used to source additional articles if this happens. These articles will link to your content, which can increase your search ranking because of the higher traffic to the site.

Keep your readers engaged

Successful writers are able to keep their readers engaged until the end. This becomes more difficult with the advancement of technology. The majority of readers will visit a page, and if the information doesn't match their search criteria, they will move on to other sites. This is called "bounce rate", and it can seriously hurt your site's ranking.

Even if your copy is good, shorter posts won't keep readers engaged for long. Your content will be more successful if you have longer posts.

Google will track how long visitors spend on your site to determine future rankings. Websites that receive a lot of traffic and stay on the page for a long time are more likely to be ranked higher than pages with fewer visitors. Pages with a high bounce rate will rank lower.

Avoid TL;DR

The TL;DR (Too long and not read) rule is a warning sign when writing longer content. Excessively long posts can lose your readers' attention and lead to high bounce rates.

Every post that exceeds 1500 words runs the risk of being lost to the reader. This can be avoided by:

Write your content so that it is easy to scan

You should eliminate any redundant fluff, repetitive ideas or vague thoughts that only increase the word count and do not add substance.

You can break up the post into smaller pieces that are easier to understand using a page method.

Impress your readers, not just Google

If you expand your word count to please Google, your results will not be as impressive. The minimum length of your content should be between 450 to 1500 words. This is a wide range. It all depends on what subject matter you write about and how much information is needed to make it a definite article.

While conveying your message in as little as 450 words is possible, other topics require more research and information. Find the word count that is most appropriate for your readers' expectations. Make sure your content engages them.

Reasons you cannot meet the word count on your assignment

Many students have trouble writing long assignments. The following could explain why:

  • Insufficient research: It is possible that you have not covered all aspects of the assignment topic in your research, which could explain why you don't have much information.
  • Limiting scope: It can be difficult to reach the word count if you choose a topic with a narrow scope.
  • Inadequacy of skills: Students can get lost in words because they don't plan their assignments well.

How do you determine the right word count for your content?

Long-form content can be shared more and ranks higher, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have value. Content in the 500-word category can do well than content that is 1,200 words long. Remember that articles with twice the word count of the highest-ranking article are not guaranteed to be successful.

Keep it natural

Digital marketers warn against forcing predetermined word counts when determining the length of your content.

You shouldn't make a 150-word summary into a 500-word blog post by adding fluff to it or stuffing it with keywords. Keep your content as natural as possible. Instead of writing empty sentences, focus on providing content that is rich in substance.

Know what's too short

You should keep your content short, but you shouldn't make it too long. For infographics, a 150-word description is sufficient. However, this description length won't be enough for blog posts.

Google penalizes thin content or posts that are too short in search results. Articles less than 200 words or 300 words will not appear in search results. Additionally, thin content may compromise your site's overall SEO.

What is the point of word count anyway?

Let's be real; word count shouldn't limit your creativity. It's as simple as that. When proofreading and editing, word count is something you need to pay attention to. Don't forget word count when you are typing the first draft. The structure is important. Don't forget structure.

What to do and what not to do when optimizing word count

Both short and long content has positives and disadvantages. You can optimize any length of content if you just follow these guidelines.

Avoid stuffing content with keywords

SEO continues to require that you include relevant keywords in your online content. Google won't like keyword stuffing, which is the practice of using too many keywords in one piece of content. Content finds ways to naturally include the most relevant keywords. To boost SEO, use the extra space in long content to include longer-tail keywords and other relevant terms.

Make Highlight Calls for Action

It is easy to get to the point quickly and make calls to action clear with short content. Although long-form content is more effective at driving conversions, it might need some finessing. Before you jump to a call for action, make sure the longer copy is easy-to-read and engages the reader.

Don't Lose Your Readers

Research has shown that 1,600 words is the ideal length for a blog article. This length allows readers to stay engaged for seven minutes on average. You might find that your ideal time frame for your website is different. Do some research to determine how long readers spend reading your articles and the length of your ideal audience.

A closer examination of your content length and performance may also reveal how well your internal links work and how quickly you retain readers. These metrics will help you drive more conversions with your content.

Word count can impact content efficacy and conversion rates, but not all writing needs the same length. To help you make the most of your word count, you need to know what works for you and what your goals are.

Take Away

Here are some key points about word count in essays

  1. The word count requires students to think logically, organize their ideas and present them in a clear and concise manner. This training is great for future writing jobs.
  2. Students are encouraged to come up with enough ideas to make their essays worthwhile. However, they should not "padding" the text by repeating unnecessary details.
  3. The word count is a standard for all students. All students must produce the same amount of text on the subject. This makes it easier to grade accurately and efficiently. This makes evaluation much easier.
  4. Also, don't forget to test out the Word Counter tool and let us know your feedback.



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"Word Counter." Commontools.org, 2025. Sun. 09 Feb. 2025. <https://www.commontools.org/tool/word-counter-8>.

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