NPI Number Lookup

NPI Number Lookup

This is a free tool to look up the NPI number of any healthcare provider present in the United States. With this tool, it is now super easy to find the NPI Numbers, addresses, contact information, etc., of doctors. Hospitals and other healthcare providers.

Created by Commontools | Updated on: August 03, 2024


NPI - What Exactly Is A National Provider Identifier Number?

The National Provider Identifier number is a 10-digit number provided to all authorized providers as part of the HIPAA Administrative Simplification Standard. It is a 10-digit number that doesn’t contain any personal information about the provider. All covered providers are required to use their NPIs for administrative and monetary transactions in a HIPAA standard transaction. Healthcare providers won’t have to use various identification numbers to transact business with various health plans because of NPI.

NPIs must now be accepted and used by all healthcare clearinghouses and many health plans, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial health insurance policies. The NPI does not take the place of any other identity numbers, such as a provider's tax ID, DEA, state license, or social security number. However, it does replace any prior identification numbers used by providers for billing, transactions, and other healthcare-related information.

How to Lookup NPI?

One can check lookup NPI records here on and can also check it on NPI Lookup by This lookup NPI directory is the only AI-powered NPI database present in the market and the best, according to us, for making the search efficient and reliable. You can also validate NPI using the NPI Validator tool offered by this website, as it's safe and secure.

NPI - Get To Know The Use Of NPIs

Health plans and federal payers assigned identification numbers to healthcare providers and suppliers before NPI numbers were implemented. Due to the lack of standardization in the identification numbers, a single provider had to use several different identification numbers provided by the numerous health plans in which they were enrolled. As a result, it became more difficult for providers to submit claims, and several health plans frequently allocated the same identification number to various healthcare providers.

A standard for a distinctive health identifier that healthcare practitioners can use in the healthcare system was developed by the NPI. The widespread NPI number has improved the effectiveness of billing and tracking. The national standard reduces the administrative costs placed on healthcare providers and streamlines the claims procedure. 

National Provider Identification Numbers - Who Can Use or Need NPIs?

An NPI must be obtained by any healthcare provider, clearinghouse, or institution that uses health records or engages in transactions subject to HIPAA laws. This covers businesses and providers who submit their claims through a medical billing firm. Anyone who communicates patient health information electronically in conjunction with a transaction must obtain an NPI number, according to HIPAA, whether they are an individual, company, or healthcare organization. When a provider receives their NPI, it cannot be altered and stays with them no matter what position they are in or where they reside or work.

National Provider Identification Numbers - Know The Difference Between Type-1 and Type-2 NPIs

  • Type-1 NPI: A Type I, or rendering, NPI is linked to a specific person and used on claims to pinpoint the precise service provider. You can determine which services are inside your area of expertise and for which of them you should be paid by a payer by using this in combination with a taxonomy code. Claims for the services you apply include your Type 1 NPI. In cases where supervision is involved, the supervised clinician may submit claims using the credentials of the supervisor, including their type 1 NPI. Type 1 NPI is for all individual healthcare providers, such as doctors, dentists, and all business owners. A person is qualified for only one NPI.
  • Type-2 NPI: A group, practice, or other entity is connected to a Type II, or organizational, NPI. A Type II NPI enables your complete practice to be certified with a payer at the same time. Every provider in your practice can submit a claim to the payer when you are authorized as a group. In addition, when enrolling to submit claims electronically, this information will be immediately entered into the required paperwork. 

Clinicians may choose to charge using a Type II NPI that is different from the practice's Type II NPI or by using the practice as the rendering provider by setting up a clinician billing setting override. Organizations that provide healthcare include physician groups, hospitals, nursing homes, and corporations created when people incorporate themselves.

Both the Type 1 and Type 2 NPIs enable the insurance company to identify the specific healthcare provider providing care and also the business entity under which the healthcare provider operates. Providers who are a part of an organization must include both the Type 1 and Type 2 NPIs on their insurance forms when billing to avoid getting denied. 

NPI - How To Get A National Identification Provider Number?

  • Online Application: Applying through the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System is the quickest option for healthcare organizations and providers to obtain an NPI number. NPI number could be obtained in as little as 10 days after the application has been submitted, which should take about 20 minutes. The Identity & Access Management System (I&A) requires that each provider must first create a username and password before using those details to log into NPPES.
  • Offline Application: Additionally, providers have the option of applying for an NPI number on the paper or through a third party on their behalf. You must get a paper application form from the NPI Enumerator if you want to fill one. Send the application, duly filled out and signed to the NPI Enumerator whereupon workers will input the application’s date into the enumeration system. People who can request through the NPI Enumerator will have access to the form. Healthcare professionals must get in touch with the NPI Enumerator to receive a copy of this form.
  • Electronic File Interchange: Electronic File Interchange is also known as Bulk enumeration. Physicians and other healthcare providers or groups of providers can request that a specific company can apply for NPI on their behalf through Electronic File Interchange. To put it another way, the EFIO acquires an NPI rather than a provider or group of providers submitting a paper or web NPI application. 

What makes EFI so special is that one file can contain applications from hundreds or thousands of providers. Submitting these applications simultaneously and electronically reduces the administrative and financial burdens on the provider community and the U.S. EFI can also be used to modify or update a provider's current NPI information, further enhancing these advantages.

Bottom Line

The NPI, as previously stated, is a unique l, 10-digit National Provider Identifier given to the provider. Medical billing heavily relies on NPIs. Claims submitted without a valid, registered NPI will be rejected by any health plan as it is necessary under HIPAA laws to track healthcare services and reimbursement.You can reduce claim errors and save time on billing by adding your NPI number. Hence, we hope you will know about NPIs and how to get one.


  • NPI Checker - Search and Find NPI Number (NPI Registry).” NPI Lookup - Search and Find NPI Number (NPI Registry), Accessed 14 Nov. 2022.


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